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Sierra Club Nebraska Presents: Design with Nature

Thursday, February 23, 2017
7:00 pm9:00 pm
First United Methodist Church, 7020 Cass Street, Enter north door "Education" wing

Steven Rodie, Director of UNO's Center for Urban Sustainability, will discuss sustainable landscaping principles that can be applied on a practical level.

The presentation will define sustainability as it applies to our urban and suburban yards, and discuss successful landscapes from aesthetic, functional and environmental considerations. Designing with nature can significantly enhance the value of green spaces in urban environments, as well as reduce long-term management costs. But sustainable landscape design must acknowledge the challenging growing conditions (our hard clay soil, strong sun), preferences for a more ordered (rather than natural) look, and the limitations (space and cost considerations) faced by local gardeners.

Steve will help us understand the hows and whys of sustainable landscaping-why we should want it, and how to get started. He'll give us some rules of thumb, and point out potential traps when getting started. Sierra Club programs are free and open to the public.

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