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The Audubon Society of Omaha is dedicated to the active promotion of environmental awareness to our community through education, conservation and enjoyment of our natural heritage, especially birds. Become a member today!


Fall migration has a different energy. Birds are often in much less of a hurry. If the weather is nice and the eating is good, they might stay for a week or two at a stopover site. Short-distance migrants such as American Robins and Eastern Bluebirds are the slowpokes of the migratory world, only moving south when conditions become unfavorable.

Millions of birds migrate every year to escape winter, but spending time in a warmer climate does not save them energy, according to new research. Using miniaturized loggers implanted in wild blackbirds, scientists recorded detailed measurements of heart rate and body temperature from birds every 30 minutes from fall to the following spring. The data offer unprecedented insights into the true energetic costs of migrant and resident strategies and reveal a previously unknown mechanism used by migrants to save energy prior migration.

A quick run-down of events we're hosting in September and October

Douglas W. Tallamy would like everyone to have a Homegrown National Park. And that’s the idea behind Nature’s Best Hope – How You Can Save the World in Your Own Yard, filled with practical tips for increasing habitat for endangered species, such as the monarch butterfly, at home, on your own.

Are you looking forward to feeding birds this fall and winter? Would you like to contribute to the financial success of Audubon Society of Omaha? Your orders and donations during the semiannual bird seed sales are Audubon Omaha’s main fundraisers for education and conservation activities. We offer a wide range of premium bird seed mixes and sizes at reasonable prices.

As I reflect on my time as president of the Audubon Society of Omaha, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude and pride. It has been an honor to serve this remarkable organization for the past three years. Together, we have made significant strides in advancing our mission to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats.

An update on our latest election for the 2024-2025 term for Audubon Society of Omaha leadership team.

General information you might need like how to join or renew, change of address or contact information for injured birds.

Partners in Conservation
