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Migration Calendar

Least Sandpiper by Mike Benkis

Go Birding

September Bird Migration

Sunday, September 1, 2024

The following is a partial list of birds that migrate through our area and approximate times to see them. Arrival times can be affected by weather patterns.

All Month:
- American White Pelican (Lake Manawa, Iowa; Papio Damsite Lakes)
- Sora (Cunningham Lake; Jack Sinn Wildlife Area, Lancaster Co.)
- American Golden and Black-bellied Plover (Jack Sinn Wildlife Area or flooded fields)
- Greater & Lesser Yellowlegs (Jack Sinn Wildlife Area or flooded fields)
- Semi-palmated, Western, Least & Baird's Sandpipers (Jack Sinn Wildlife Area or flooded fields)
- Long-billed Dowitcher (Jack Sinn Wildlife Area or flooded fields)

Early - Mid Month:
- Wilson's Phalarope (Jack Sinn Wildlife Area, Papio Dam Sites)
- Caspian Tern (Lake Manawa; Mid-America Power Pond)
- Common Nighthawk (Evenings, migrating in flocks)
- Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Fontenelle Forest: Jewelweed along railroad tracks)
- Solitary & Philadelphia Vireos (Fontenelle Forest, along Gifford Road & railroad tracks)
- Blue-winged, Golden-winged, Tennessee, Navshville, Chestnut-sided, Magnolia, Black-throated Green, Bay-breasted, Black & White, Mourning, Wilson's & Canada Warblers (Fontenelle Forest, along Gifford Road & railroad tracks)
- American Redstart (Fontenelle Forest, along Gifford Road & railroad tracks)
- Northern Waterthrush (Fontenelle Forest, along Gifford Road & railroad tracks)

Mid - Late Month:
- Hawks (Hitchcock Nature Area, Crescent, Iowa; Neale Woods, Omaha)
- Sanderling (Mid-American Power pond, Iowa (MAPP); Lake North, Columbus)
- Franklin's Gull (Lake Manawa; MAPP; Cunningham Lake)

Late Month:
- Le Conte's Sparrow (Cunningham Lake; Wehrspann Lake; Jack Sinn Wildlife Area)

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