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ASO News

Eastern Kingbird by Mike Benkis

Board of Directors Update

Board members and officers for 2024-2025 term After electing a new slate of officers and directors for the 2024-2025 term at our May board meeting, Christine Prescott announced her resignation as ASO president due to relocation in order to further her career. At that time she requested nominations for president from the board and committee chairs. Anne Maguire, former board member, former 2nd VP and Chair of the Marketing and Outreach Committee, was nominated and then elected during our August board meeting. We are fortunate to have her onboard and hope our members can meet her at our next meeting.

Another new board member resigned due to scheduling conflicts, so we have an open director position at this time. If you know someone you would like to see on our board of directors, or as an officer for our next term, please contact Bennett Amdor, 2nd VP, and let him know your thoughts. Bennett can be reached at

NEW elected directors:

Roger Carroll - Roger’s interest in birds was sparked 15 years ago when he took his Boy Scout troop to see the fall migration of Sandhill Cranes. He is especially interested in bird habitat, as evidenced by his backyard, filled with native plants and fruit trees, fresh water, and nine bird feeders. He is mindful of the importance of insects for baby birds. Roger has volunteered for our bird seed sale for many years.

Betty Fullerton - Betty has long been involved  with Audubon Society of Omaha and has agreed to come back onto the board to help with getting a new leadership team up to speed. Betty and her husband John are the longtime chairpersons for our semiannual bird seed sale which is our organization’s primary fundraiser. In the past, Betty has served on the finance committee and as elected treasurer – keeping us on track AND on budget. Betty has worked with several conservation-minded organizations in the past and brings that knowledge to ASO.

Elected Officers         

President: Anne Maguire                     
1st Vice President: Conor Gearin            
2nd Vice President: Bennett Amdor            
Treasurer: Melissa Sitze            
Secretary: Virginia Stauffer            

Returning Directors
Amy Campagna  
Kyle Finley
Steve Geddes
Trevor Pellerite
Katy Simmons

Committee Chairpersons
DEIB: Bennett Amdor
Education/Field Trips: Amy Campagna
Finance: Melissa Sitze
Fundraising and Bird Seed Sale: Elizabeth and John Fullerton
Habitat at Home: Steve Geddes
Legislative Affairs: OPEN
Marketing and Outreach: Anne Maguire
Membership: Duane & Kathy Schwery
Natural Areas Stewardship: Kayla Johnson
Nominating: Bennett Amdor
Program: Anne Maguire
Student Art Contest: Virginia Stauffer
ASO Administrator: OPEN!
Executive Director, Audubon Great Plains: Kristal Stoner

Special thanks to our outgoing officers We would like to convey our deepest gratitude and thanks to officers and directors that are leaving the board. Special thanks to Chrstine Prescott, Kayla Johnson and Michelle Foss who made significant contributions to the running and operation of our organization. They will be missed!

Board meetings The ASO board meets September - May, on the first Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the Audubon Society of Omaha office located at 4339 S. 90th Street, Omaha, NE. Board meeting minutes are posted HERE. Contact officers and the board with any agenda items or concerns by sending an email to

Looking for bird(ers) We need birders to plan and lead field trips near and far. If interested, please contact Amy at 

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