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The Audubon Society of Omaha is dedicated to the active promotion of environmental awareness to our community through education, conservation and enjoyment of our natural heritage, especially birds. Become a member today!


On March 13th, wildlife photographer, Mike Benkis, will share his secrets to capturing amazing images of birds and other wildlife. Sit back and enjoy his captivating photos, followed by a question-and-answer session. At our April 10th program. Joseph Fauver, Ph.D., epidemiology professor at UNMC, will share how to prevent tick bites while enjoying the great outdoors.

On March 18th, join Grasslands Unlimited’s founder, Trevor Pellerite, for an Urban Habitat hike around the Cotton Creek Preserve. Learn about the community conservation efforts made to restore this once neglected urban space. Thursday, April 3rd, join ASO Vice Presidents Conor Gearin and Bennett Amdor for a leisurely evening birding hike in the restored tallgrass prairie at Glacier Creek Preserve. Then, join the Omaha Astronomical Society for stargazing after sunset!

How do we mark the beginning of spring? There’s the vernal equinox on March 20th, of course, but in practice it depends whom you ask. An elementary school student might reference the first day the class gets to go outside for recess. Similarly, the start of spring for birds might have more to do with the weather and their preferred activities than the spring equinox.

This entertaining real-life story chronicles 19 years in the lives of Wesley the owl and his caretaker

If the early bird does, indeed, get the worm, Nebraska State Senator George Dungan, a Lincoln Democrat, is getting a jump on two issues resonating with the values and mission of Audubon Society of Omaha. He has introduced a bill to give nature lovers a head start on making their own corner of the world more environmentally friendly and a resolution to create a constitutional right to “a clean and healthy environment” for all Nebraskans.

What connects you to Audubon Society of Omaha? Our Audubon community is a melting pot of bird watchers, habitat gardeners, native prairie and grassland advocates, arborists, insect and pollinator enthusiasts, and everything in between. In 1972, Audubon Society of Omaha became the first National Audubon Society chapter in Nebraska. Over the years, our group has welcomed thousands of members who share a common love and respect for all things nature.

In January and February this year, ASO continued stewardship work on its two prairies, making them even more worth a visit this spring and summer.

Spring Garden Cleanups and Plant Weeds, Get Butterflies

See what your board of directors have been up to!

News you can use, anytime.
