Entries for ASO’s 2021 Online Student Art Contest were accepted through March 1. This year’s show will be available to view in an online gallery via the Special Events tab on our website starting April 5. Mark your calendar to “stop by” and look at the amazing work of local students. A HUGE thank you to Virginia Stauffer for continuing to lead this massive project even through a pandemic.
Volunteers really came through at our February 20 Winter Bird Seed Sale, loading and delivering LOTS of bird seed during our bi-annual bird seed fundraiser. Thank you to John, Betty, Mark and the rest of the volunteer team — we hope you have a restful break and don’t have too many birdseed nightmares between now and the next sale in the fall!
Tune in and turn on to ASO’s You-Tube Channel. We have been recording our monthly meetings since migrating to online / Zoom sessions. You can watch archived meetings on such topics as bird feeding, forest restoration and plants that attract birds. Just go to YouTube.com, search for “Audubon Omaha” and look for our logo.