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ASO News Archive

A Western Meadowlark in profile with its bill open, singing, with a blue sky in the background

Western Meadowlark by Phil Swanson

Western Meadowlark by Phil Swanson

Field notes from the President

As we prepare for the 50th anniversary celebration of Audubon Society of Omaha, I would like to thank two specific groups of volunteers that have given so much to the organization over the years. First, all of the volunteers, past and present, that have worked tirelessly on the Meadowlark newsletter for the past 50 years. This publication is always full of current and accurate information for our members. It is a publication that everyone looks forward to receiving and perusing for months. Thank you all for the time you dedicate to each and every issue. 

Secondly, let’s recognize all the past-presidents of ASO. Thank you for leading this organization, and spearheading conservation work in the Omaha area. I am honored to follow in the footsteps of these amazing leaders:

Dick Russell: 1971-72

Loren Padleford : 1972-73

Fr. Thomas Hoffman : 1973

Teta Kain : 1973-74

Evelyn Conrad : 1974-75

Eunice Kawamoto : 1975-76

Hal Chase : 1976-77

Al Werthman : 1977-78

Charles Johnson : 1978-80

Marlene Weber : 1980-82

Neal Ratzlaff : 1982-83

Ron Cisar : 1983-84

Ione Werthman : 1984-86

Jim Ducey : 1986-88

Jim Glather : 1988-90

Ed Higgins : 1990-92

Roland Barth : 1992-1994

Betty Allen : 1994-96

Lisa Peterson : 1996-2000

Eric Scholar : 2000-03

Nelli Falzgraf : 2003-05

Elliott Bedows : 2005-08

Clem Klaphake : 2008-10

Jerry Toll : 2010-12

Justin Rink : 2012-13

Laurine Blankenau : 2013-15

Tad Leeper : 2015-16

Matt Miller : 2016-19

Robert Wells : 2019-2021

I hope you can all join us as we celebrate 50 years of bringing environmental awareness to our community through education, conservation and enjoyment of our natural heritage, especially birds, on October 13th.
