Thanks to all who ordered bird seed during Audubon Society of Omaha’s winter sale. Volunteers distributed 25,700 pounds of products to 186 loyal customer-supporters who, in turn, distributed them to untold numbers of appreciative birds in Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa.
Your orders drive ASO’s local educational programs and conservation activities. Our semiannual bird seed sales are ASO’s largest fundraisers every year, netting $18,700 in profit this fiscal year.
This endeavor couldn’t be accomplished without our dedicated volunteers who worked in the warehouse, made deliveries, or brought refreshments. Volunteers included: Charlie and Steven Callison; Roger Carroll; Mark Cave; Jeff Cleve; Jim Commers; Amy Campagna; Alistair Cullum and Katy Simmons; Ken Czyx; Kyle Finley; Tim Kautzman; Anne and Jim Maguire; Andy Miller and Melissa Sitze; Christine Prescott; David Nichols; Michael Schaffer; Duane and Kathy Schwery; and Bob Wells and Coleen Stice.
Thanks again to all who ordered and volunteered this winter. Be on the lookout in September for information on our fall 2023 bird seed sale.
Audubon Omaha’s twice yearly bird seed sales are ASO’s largest fundraisers of the year. Profits support our local educational programs and conservation activities.
Call for Volunteers:
Planning is already under way for our Fall Bird Seed Sale, and we could really use YOUR help. Please consider volunteering for our biggest fundraiser. Please contact John Fullerton at
402-493-4362 (h), 402-957-5901 (c) or efullerton00@gmail.com if you can help with this major fundraiser.