Back row: Betty Fullerton, P.J. Mc Donnell, Jenna Miller, Marilou Jasnoch, Kathleen Crawford-Rose, Christine Prescott. Front row: Bennett Amdor, Mark Cave, Jeff Kleve.
If you’re seeing more chubby Chickadees and sprightly Sparrows in your neck of the woods, give yourself a big pat on the back. Your semiannual seed orders not only keep our feathered friends flourishing, they fund Audubon Society of Omaha’s educational programs and conservation activities and are our largest fundraisers.
Here’s a look ahead at our 2024 Winter Seed Sale and a look back at our 2023 Fall Bird Seed Sale. Watch your email inbox in early January for information about our 2024 Winter Bird Seed Sale. And remember, we sell the freshest “gourmet” seed!
Keep an eye on your inbox for Winter Seed Sale updates! Running low on bird seed? Then be sure to keep your backyard buddies and seasonal sojourners well-fed and flying high throughout the upcoming spring migration!
Starting January 5, order seed online during ASO’s Winter Bird Seed Sale. Here’s the scoop: If you have purchased bird seed in the past — and have provided your email address — we will email you an order form. (As usual, we don’t mail order forms for the Winter Sale.)
You can order two ways:
1. Mail your completed order form (available on the website) with a check.
2. Order online at audubon-omaha.org using a credit or debit card.
orders are due February 8. Your order will be ready for pickup on Saturday, February 17, from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at ASO’s office and warehouse at
4339 South 90th Street in Omaha.
If you have questions, OR would like to volunteer for this important fundraiser, call John or Betty Fullerton at 402-493-4362 or 402-957-5901. If you need them to email an order form to you, please email efullerton00@gmail.com.
Thanks a ton (nearly 23 tons, actually) for making our all Seed Sale a success! Thanks to 293 ASO customers, we sold 45,880 pounds of quality bird seed, generating $57,450 in sales. We raised more than $17,500 to support local conservation efforts and education. We gained 36 new customers. Thank you for your donations, as well, which totaled $1,879!
Our 33 amazing, dedicated volunteers are the lifeblood of our semiannual bird seed sales. They helped by assembling the mailing, unloading the semi-trailer of bird seed, loading our customers’ orders, making deliveries and/or providing food. Thanks to: Bennett Amdor; Jo Bartikoski; Ruth Bentzinger; Roger Carroll; Mark Cave; Jim Commers; Kathleen Crawford-Rose; Alistair Cullum; Ken Czyz; Linda Dennis; Kyle Finley; Michelle Foss; Christine Fullerton; Steve Geddes; Mace Hack; Marilou Jasnoch; Joe Jacobsen; Kayla Johnson; Tim Kautzman; Jeff Kleve; P.J. McDonnell; Andy Miller; Jenna Miller; Christine Prescott; Julia Rawnsley; Duane & Kathy Schwery; Michael Schaffer; Katy Simmons; Melissa Sitze; Virginia Stauffer; Bob Wells; and Don Westling.