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ASO News Archive

A Western Meadowlark in profile with its bill open, singing, with a blue sky in the background

Western Meadowlark by Phil Swanson

Western Meadowlark by Phil Swanson

Sandhill Cranes in store for November members program

The great migration in Nebraska attracts visitors from around the world to see the breathtaking sight of the Sandhill Cranes. Our November program welcomes Sandra Douglas from The Crane Trust.

The Crane Trust is a habitat conservation nonprofit organization located on the beautiful Platte River in South Central Nebraska. In addition to offering tours of one of the greatest migrations in the world, the Trust works year-round to protect and preserve nearly 10,000 acres of critical habitat for endangered Whooping Cranes, Sandhill Cranes, and countless other species sharing fragile river and prairie ecosystems.

Learn the history of the conservation groups that came together to save the Platte River and its vital habitat. One hundred years ago, there were only 20,000 Sandhill Cranes in the wild. Today, there are more than 800,000.

Please join us on November 14 at DJ’s Dugout, 777 N. 114th Street. Social hour begins at 6 p.m. followed by the program at 7. Register for this FREE event HERE
