How to join/renew/update
Join or renew your membership online at and select “Get Involved.” Save paper and avoid confusion. Your membership with National Audubon automatically makes you a member of Audubon Society of Omaha.
Change of address?
Please call National Audubon toll-free at 1-844-428-3826, or send an email to
Stay Connected
Join our email list at under “Get Involved.”
Bequests & gifts
A bequest to Audubon Society of Omaha is a gift to those who will succeed us and secure our natural heritage. Want to honor a loved one and help ASO’s local conservation and education efforts? You can make a donation anytime at OR you can mail your check along with the name and address of the person to be notified to:
Audubon Society of Omaha
P.O. Box 3542, Omaha, NE 68103
We need volunteers!
Can you lift as much as 50 pounds without hurting yourself? The ASO birdseed sale needs volunteers for four-hour shifts on three different days. Please contact John Fullerton at 402-493-4362 (h), 402-957-5901 (c) or if you can help with this major fundraiser. We can’t do it without help from our members and fellow bird feeders.
Take action
Big things are happening, so communicate with your elected officials. Go to for links to contact info for each.
Injured bird?
Raptors: Call 866-888-7261 to speak to a Raptor Conservation Alliance volunteer, or email
Non-raptor: First go to Nebraska Wildlife Rehab's website for tips to rescue a bird HERE. Or call them at 402-234-2473.